About the Author

Justin A. Fye

I am a 3rd year student at Kent State University studying architecture in the College of Architecture and Environmental Design. Domain is a place for me to share my many ideas on the architectural world, as well as to display my work and travels, particularly as they pertain to how the boundaries of architecture have the ability to stretch into so many other disciplines and interests, and how architecture shapes much of the world beyond that of just the physical buildings we are in daily.

Some of my current interests in architecture seek to explore the boundaries of the architectural world. In speaking of domain, the title I selected for this blog and the single most intriguing issue I have found thus far in architecture, it is beyond interesting to see how far the influences of architecture and design stretch in every day life. Theoretically, I have found that people love to say common phrases such as "live without bounds". This is truly impossible, though. Without boundaries, rule sets, and the like, our civilization would again be reduced to that of the nearly nomadic. Even for those who really believe that they would like to live their life without the requirement of listening to government, this is only because many of these same rule sets which are employed by those in power would be utilized on our own to self sanction. These same ideas can be transferred to the architectural design world very easily. Without a site, without a program, without anywhere to start and no rules for a project to be governed by, architecture would lose the entirety of its meaning and would likely become so monotonous and prefabricated the world would become dull.

On a more personal note, I am from a small suburb of the wonderful city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and am an avid sports fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers and Penguins. I enjoy spending my time when I am not working either relaxing on the boat, water-skiing, bowling, or simply having fun with my many great friends I have met at Kent State University and my loving parents Bruce and Cori Fye.

Thank you for keeping up with my blog. I hope to provide a great deal of thought provoking material and intrigue in this forum while allowing you all to see the lighter side of my life as well through travel and photography.

1 comment:

  1. Just read "about the author"...very well spoken! We are very proud of you!!!
